Monday, December 22, 2014


Aaahhhh. Holidays. 

The first day of my summer holiday. My Christmas break. I lie in bed. The warm sun streaming through the window. I stretch. I yawn. I wiggle my toes and languish in the thought that this is the first weekend of my holiday.

Which means...

Today is yoga. Then off to the shops. I need to get some food for the weekend. Our daughter will be here. I should cook a roast. There’s one in the freezer. Do I have enough vegetables? I have to do that baking. We’re going to visit my husband's parents tomorrow. I was going to make rum balls, fruit mince pies, pumpkin fruit cake, and chocolate biscuits. Have I got all the ingredients? Did the washing get done yesterday? I think I saw it on the line down stairs. The bathroom needs a clean. There is a spider web in the shower. That's not good. Do we have time for a coffee in the town? The grass needs mowing again. I should probably clean out the fridge. I think there is a science experiment growing in there. But...

It's my summer holiday. And I am laying bed, having a stretch, a yawn and wiggling my toes and dreaming of a nap in the afternoon. And what I might get up to next week.

Which means...

Christmas day is on Thursday and I have the whole family staying. My Mum and Dad. My daughter and her fiancé. My sister. And my uncle. My brother and his wife will be here for Christmas lunch. I need to make sure the bathroom downstairs is ready. The spiders have built condominiums in the shower. That's not good. I need to get the guest bedroom ready. Set up the tent for our daughter and fiancé. He has never slept in a tent, which could be interesting. We need to make sure it is water proof, and the mosquito net is up. I have to get to the shops for the Christmas day supplies. Not on Christmas Eve though. Too many people. The house will need a reasonably good clean. At the very least I will need to dust and mop. I should probably get the dog bathed. I think I have all the presents sorted. There is still a couple more to be wrapped. Oh and we still have to pick up the booze from the liquor barn and the meat from the butchers. And I have to make sure I have the stuff for the wiener roast/sausage sizzle we are having on Christmas Eve for our daughter's American fiancé. But...

It's my Christmas break. And I am laying bed, having a stretch, a yawn and wiggling my toes and thinking maybe we'll catch a movie. And… what I have to do after Christmas.

Which means...

The house is always a mess after Christmas. And I will still have a house full of people. There will be wrapping paper everywhere. The fridge will be full of left overs. The remnants of the Christmas day water bomb fight will be all over the ground. The grass will probably need to be mowed. Again. The bathrooms, both of them will need cleaning after being used by the mob that has stayed over. I should probably clean the oven. There will be a mystery substance on the kitchen floor. So it will need mopping. The carpet will need a vac. I have all those pineapple tops still sitting under the house. They should probably go in the ground. At least I won't need to go shopping for food. The tent will need to go away. The extra bedding packed up. The Christmas tree will need to come down. Christmas will need to be packed away for another year. But...

It's my two week holiday. And I am laying bed, having a stretch, a yawn and wiggling my toes and thinking it would be great if we could get to the beach. And… what I need to get done on the second week.

Which means...

We are giving our daughter and her fiancé a party. For her graduation. Their engagement. Her moving overseas. Their getting married. There is food to organise. Catering to book. More alcohol to buy. The grass will need to be mowed. Again. The house will need a really good clean. Not just a spit and lick. The tent will need to be set up, again. Maybe we should just leave it up. I hope it doesn’t rain. The garden will need to be weeded. Or at the very least, tidied up. Under the house will need to be sorted. It’s probably time for a trip to the dump. Maybe we will just hang stuff up to hide the junk. The spider webs will have to be knocked down. They are building a metropolis under there. That’s not good. Chairs will need to be organised. I will need to make a cake. Or two. Do I have enough champagne glasses? Maybe I should make a trip to Ikea. Then will we need to clean the house up after the party. Get rid of the empties. There will be a fridge full of leftovers. Again. I wonder how many people will still be here on the day after. Will I need to make breakfast? Do I have enough bacon? Do they eat bacon? But...

By then it will be the last day of my end of year holiday. And right now I am laying bed, having a stretch, a yawn and wiggling my toes and thinking that I will only have one more day left before I go back to work. 

And bugger me, I will be spending that day on the couch. In my pyjamas. Watching DVD's.

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